Classic Cap Cleaning Guide
Noticed sweat stains on your favorite hat? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Follow our simple step-by-step method to clean your hats and keep them looking fresh and like new.

Step 1
Dust Removal
Lightly brush off any loose dirt or dust from the Classic Cap using a soft brush.
Step 2
Fill a Sink With Water
Fill a clean sink or bucket with cool or warm water and add a couple drops of laundry detergent or about a tablespoon of OxiClean™ stain remover powder.

Step 3
Rinse your Classic Cap thoroughly with cool or warm water.
Step 4
Reshape And Drip Dry
Reshape your Classic Cap by placing the cap (the part that sits directly on your head) on top of an upside down coffee can, small bowl or other container that mimics the shape of your head. Leave out to dry.